
Say Goodbye to Weeds

If you are like 70% of other homeowner, you likely have suffered from unwanted plants known for popping up in your lawn. Weeds can be unsightly, and a down right pain in the butt for most individuals to get rid of.

Beyond the vain reasons of not wanting weeds to grow in your yard, they can also be detrimental to the healthy growth of turf grass.

Stop the weeds for good and here is how:

Reseeding and Fertilizing

A regularly scheduled program of reseeding and fertilizing your lawn can contribute to your lawn’s overall health, helping it discourage weed growth.

Proper Mowing

Mowing high (generally about 3” high) can help prevent weeds from taking root. Taller grass helps regulate the soil temperature, retain moisture, and shade weed seeds.

Proper Watering

Deep, infrequent waterings (once a week should usually suffice) encourages deep root growth. Weeds tend to have shallower roots, making it hard for them to compete with healthy grass for sun, water, and nutrients.

Hand Pulling

A dreaded task for any homeowner, is actually a quick, effective method of weed removal. This method is best employed with early signs of weed growth, before the spread has gotten out of control. Remember to pull a weed out by the root to ensure its complete removal.


Most commonly available in spray form, herbicides are a popular do-it-yourself removal technique. Just attach the bottle to your hose and apply to your lawn. Always read the instructions carefully before administering herbicide treatments and consider the following factors before purchasing:

  • Children and pets must be kept away from the treated areas after applying.
  • Herbicides should not be applied on windy days.
  • Ensure that the herbicide is safe for use on your lawn. Using the wrong kind of product can do irreparable damage to your grass!


Weeds thrive in compacted soil, so regularly aerate your lawn to help decrease their growth.

Who Moved My Lawn Mower?

Let’s be frank, no one is usually jumping up and down when it is time for their lawn to be mowed. In fact, is is often the opposite that is true. Individuals often find themselves wanting to do more to keep their lawn well manicured. Let’s face it, after working 40+ hours a week and doing all that is required to take care of the household, there is hardly space left in our schedules to eat… so I am pretty sure that mowing the lawn is probably the lowest  priority for most individuals.

Believe me, I was the same way poor to starting this amazing company. Now with affordable and professional services, you no longer have to get up at the crack of dawn before it gets too warm out to do your own lawn maintenance.m. You no longer have worry about moving the year, instead spend your evening with your legs elevated while watching your favorite TV Show… leave the rest to us.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!



Is Turf grass a good idea?

Synthetic grass for landscaping and recreation is growing 10% to 15% a year in the U.S. A lot of people are turning to turf grass to achieve an ascetically greener lawn, but is it a good idea? Turf grass does not have to be watered, mowed or fertilized. Which can be seen as a nice investment. It limits the need to be taken care of, especially when you live in a dry climate. Most synthetic grass is made of nylon, polypropylene or polyethylene.

Purchasing turf can seem like the end to constantly grooming your lawn. On average artificial grass can be from $7 to $23 per square foot. Although, you won’t have to care for it for up to 25 years. In comparison, real grass has to be cared for, which include numerous products and resources that could cost a lot. Turf grass is also more environmentally friendly. Real grass has to mowed, which releases air pollutants. Also mowers are pretty noisy, contributing to noise pollution. Most people do not like the idea of having synthetic grass in their yard, because it doesn’t feel like natural grass even though it look a lot like it.

When considering turf over real grass, you should consider what do you want out of your lawn. Do you want to purchase turf purely for visual purposes or for environmental reasons or maybe for maintenance reasons. Whatever it may be, make sure you research and prepare for a large investment.


To Whom Mulch is Given, Mulch is Required

Mulch, which is material that’s placed on the soil surface, can greatly help your lawn, garden or landscaping projects. Overall, mulch is very beneficial because it can help your lawn both physically and aesthetically. Although using mulch is optional, it can protect your lawn if used properly. If you haven’t considered using it before, here are a some benefits you should consider:

  • Reduces evaporation from soil surface, cutting water use by 25-50%
  • Stabilizes soil moisture
  • Moderates soil temperature extremes
  • Can limit the amount of weeds that appear in your garden.
  • During the Summer, mulch helps limit evaporation, which helps your soil retain moisture.
  • Cedar bark mulch can be used as an insect repellent.
  • Your yard waste, can be recycled as mulch. This saves money and time.
  • Prevents soil compaction
  • Controls soil erosion

Since mulch offers a variety of benefits, it is in lawn owners’ best interest to consider using it. There a several types of mulch, so carefully decide which type is the most appropriate for your lawn.

Just a friendly reminder, we currently have job openings, so if you are enthusiastic about lawn care please apply ASAP!

we're hiring

Curb Appeal

Nearly every homeowner wants to scenery for curb appeal. Maximizing your yard’s features and minimizing its glitches to create a beautiful street view should not be difficult, daunting, or pricey. No matter your style or plant preferences, here are some ideas to transform your front yard into an attractive, good-looking place.

Consider the seasons. A landscape that goes dormant in the winter will look foreshadowing and bleak. A landscape with curb appeal includes structural foundations such as trees and shrubs, as well as materials that look good in spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Consider the house. Lots of people look at the size of the lawn or the shape and slope of the front yard, but many people forget a critical consideration in landscaping for curb appeal. “Rule No. 1, and the one that I see ignored a lot, is that the most enormous object in the garden is your home

Keep it low-maintenance. Even if you enjoy gardening, items that require a lot of maintenance may appeal to you, but for curb appeal, may be a turn off

Turn to the color wheel. The color of your house should be a consideration in choosing plants to landscape for curb appeal and should be complimentary